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Don't stop treatment with REDENHAIR. Try new HAIR REGENERATOR SERUM MAINTENANCE! You will continue to safely stimulate hair growth and achieve even better results.

200 ml

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24H - 48H
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HAIR REGENERATOR SERUM MAINTENANCE is a hair regenerator designed to maintain the volume of your hair, reduce hair loss and stimulate the constant growth achieved after treatment with HAIR REGENERATOR SERUM FORTE. The combination of ingredients of natural origin stimulates the biological processes involved in the development of the hair follicles and prolong its growth while reducing the hair loss stage (telogen stage). REDENHAIR has formulated this product to maintain the volume achieved initially, and to continue stimulating hair growth. Thanks to the combination of active substances dissolved in a rosemary water lotion, carefully selected for their beneficial properties for healthy hair,HAIR REGENERATOR SERUM MAINTENANACE is able to protect the hair fibre, smooth the cuticle and prevent the deterioration of the keratin caused by solar radiation and pollution. At the same time, the natural fragrance and the hydrolisation of the rosemary, which constitutes a significant percentage in the formula and provides very beneficial properties that develop the hair follicles, mean the product has a pleasant scent and can be used every day.

In addition to all the active substances it contains, HAIR REGENERATOR SERUM MAINTENANCE has copper tripeptide, the innovative, well-known peptide that boosts the hair's structural resistance and increases the proliferation of follicular cells.


Shake before use. After washing your hair, apply twice a day to the scalp and massage gently. As it is designed in a spray format, the product can be spread over the whole area to be treated. Do not rinse. Avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes. Keep this product out of the reach of children.



Copper Tripeptide-1

Copper tripeptide (GHK-Cu) is a peptide with the glycyl-histidyl-lysine aminoacid sequence, which binds to copper molecules to exert its effects. This combination of peptides and copper molecules penetrates the deeper layers of the skin, where it stimulates collagen production and promotes skin healing. Because it adheres to the copper molecules and drags them through multiple dermal layers, copper peptides are very small molecules.

Over the years, the regeneration process of the hair follicle slows down, decreasing supply to the blood vessels. This fact, in addition to the active biological metabolites of the hormone testosterone (DHT) responsible for androgenic alopecia, generates an obstacle to hair growth, causing shrinkage of the hair follicles and gradual thinning of the hair.

GHK-Cu, patented by Lorraine Pickart in the 1980s, has been shown to be one of the substances that slow down and reverse the follicle shrinkage process: it plays a part in the skin and scalp renovation process as it passes through the new cells of the skin and hair follicle and migrates toward the adjacent skin.

The action of copper tripeptide can reverse the natural ageing process of the skin and hair follicles, characterised by fine, miniaturised hair, in longer telogen phases.

During the Second World War it was observed that patients that suffered severe burns also suffered a widening of the hair follicles that grew around the burnt skin. Later, in 1985, Pickart discovered that GHK-Cu not only stimulated the healing of wounds but that it also increased the size of the hair follicle. Hence, it was discovered for the first time that copper peptides stimulate hair growth as a consequence of the natural increase in the health and vitality of the hair follicle.

The ability of copper tripeptide to stimulate hair growth causes, on one hand, an increase in the proliferation of the follicular cells and, moreover, the reduction in the programmed death of the follicle cells.


Baicapil™ is a synergic combination of 3 plants (Scutellaria baicalensis, wheatgerm and Glycine max.) that increases the cell energy, activates the stem cells of the follicles and, in addition, protects from senescence. Taking into account the life cycle of the hair, Baicapil™ prevents hair loss as it has the ability to maintain a long anagen period (growth and formation of the hair shaft) and a short telogen period (rest state of the hair follicle) in addition to changing the cycle of the hair gently from the telogen stage to the anagen. Similarly, it improves the condition of the cells of the follicles and their microenvironment, maintaining the balance between the anagen and telogen stages.


Thus, it stimulates hair growth and reduces loss, it increases the density of the hair and restores a strong, healthy appearance, visibly combating hair loss. Most importantly, the innovative mechanism of action of Baicapil™ means it is equally effective in both men and women.

Glucose metabolism

The follicles experiencing growth use glucose almost twice as quickly as those that are at rest to obtain cell energy (ATP). Glucose is broken down through glucolysis and of the oxidative metabolism to provide the energy (ATP), but for this process, oxygen is consumed and cell respiration is increased.

Baicapil™ provides additional sugars to the follicles, that enter the cycle of citric acid and increase cell respiration. In the in vitro trials with Baicapil™ it was observed that both the isolated mitochondria and the intact cells increase the consumption of oxygen. This means that production of ATP is increased, which provides the cell energy necessary for hair growth, development and maintenance. At the same time, Baicapil™ also protects from the oxidative stress that can develop as a consequence of the high cell energy production (ATP).

Therefore, the nutrients that Baicapil™ provides lead to more active and proliferative follicles. This entails an induction of the hair growth, increasing the density of the hair and extending the anagen phase.


TERT (human reverse transcriptase) is one of the characteristic proteins of progenitor and stem cells, essential for its activation and function.

  • Activation of stem cells. Stem cells in quiescence are activated to create new hair. As TERT induces a quick transition of the telogen stage to the anagen, it facilitates hair growth as it incites the quiescent stem cells to proliferate and mobilise. The result is the growth of strong, resistant hair and an acceleration of the initialisation of the anagen stage that results in a new hair.
  • Protection of the mitochondria. The induction of the expression of TERT originated by Baicapil™ protects the follicles against oxidative stress and increases the metabolic energy, thus extending the anagen stage of the hair, improving the follicular activity and decreasing hair loss.
  • Protection against senescence. Baicapil™ induces the over-expression of TERT, improves mitochondrial function and protects from ROS, so the fibroblasts are protected against senescence and remain young and active.



Capixyl™ us a unique combination against hair loss and a bioactive complex that prevents and reduces hair loss, while boosting its growth. Its efficacy is based on two ingredients:

  • Trifolium pratense (red clover). It is an effective inhibitor of 5-α-reductase type I and type II activity that modulates the conversion of testosterone into DHT (dihydrotestosterone), in male-pattern baldness. It is also an effective modulator of chronic inflammation, a potent antioxidant and it reduces the damage caused by free radicals.
  • Biomimetic peptide (Acetyl Tetrapeptide-3). It is a peptide of four amino acids that stimulates tissue regeneration. This peptide has a direct effect on the hair follicle, increasing its size and increasing the number and vitality of hair fibres.

The mechanism of action of Baicapil™ means it is equally effective in both men and women. On one hand it inhibits the activity of the 5-α-reductase, thus modulating the conversion of testosterone into DHT and preventing the hair follicles shrinking. Moreover, it renews the ECM proteins, which improves hair anchoring. Finally, it reduces inflammation and achieves a normal cycle of the hair.



Nutrilan® Keratin W PP

Nutrilan® Keratin W PP acts as a substance that protects and cares for the skin. It is a hydrolised protein that helps fortify the hair shaft, replacing the keratin, the natural protein in hair, to improve the hair's strength and elasticity. The benefits it brings to the hair are the following:

  • It revitalises the natural protective layer of the hair.
  • The keratin proteins reconstruct the tensile strength and the return elasticity and reduce hair breakage
  • It greatly reduces damage caused by chemical treatments.
  • In comparison with other proteins, it has a high proportion of cystine, the "micro-protein" for naturally strengthening the hair.

Nutrilan® Keratin W PP penetrates the deepest layers of the hair and achieves long-lasting effects, repairing structural damage, strengthening the hair and providing robustness, reducing breakage. Similarly, it improves the hair's tenacity, renews the structure of the hair making it look younger and protects the scalp from external aggressors.


Procapil® is the combination of three complementary active substances: a vitamin matrikine (biotin-GHK), apigenin (a flavonoid that is extracted from citrus fruit) and oleanolic acid (Loveyly Hemsleya extract).

This combination of ingredients promotes hair anchoring, strengthening the metabolism and the structure of the hair follicles. The oleanolic acid inhibits the 5-α-reductase activity, which causes the conversion of testosterone into DHT (dihydrotestosterone), the apigenin improves the micro-circulation and the biotin-GHK stimulates the cell metabolism.

Thanks to this synergic combination, Procapil® is able to combat the ageing process of the hair follicles to prevent hair loss. The active ingredients help anchor the hair follicles more firmly to the scalp and increase the density of the cells in the hair bulb, keeping the hair younger. The main result of its action is a prolonged hair growth phase and improved resistance against the harmful effects of DHT. In addition, it increases the blood flow in the scalp, which enables more nutrients to reach the hair. It is an ingredient indicated for the main causes of alopecia (poor microcirculation in the scalp, ageing and atrophy of the follicles caused by DHT, etc.). It strengthens and rejuvenates the hair follicle to prevent hair loss, in both men and women.



Redensyl® is a product made up of two molecules that prevent imbalances in hair growth. This combination very significantly reactivates hair growth and reduces hair loss with clinically visible results in three months. The most notable benefits are:

  • It relaunches the activity and proliferation of stem cells. The outer root sheath stem cells (ORSc) are vitalised, thus triggering a new hair cycle.
  • It increases the metabolism of the fibroblasts of the dermal papilla. The hair follicles are nourished and the stem cells are activated more quickly.

It is a revolutionary product that acts on stem cells and HFDPc to reactivate hair growth, thanks to the substances it is made of:

  • Dihydroquercetin-glycoside (DHQG), a stabilised polyphenol that activates the division of the stem cells of the hair follicle, at the same time maintaining their differentiation properties. It protects the stem cells from apoptosis and directs them toward the anagen cycle. At the same time it increases the metabolism of the fibroblasts of the dermal papilla.
  • EGCG-glycoside (EGCG2): a derivative of stabilised EGCG that is used to reduce the typical inflammatory condition of the alopecic scalp and capture the free radicals.
  • Glycine: this is one of the main components of the hair proteins, principally the proteins associated with keratin, that favours hair growth.
  • Zinc: a very important cofactor for numerous enzymes, which stimulates the incorporation of cystine into the keratin for stronger hair.


Sanicapyl™ is a natural complex that reduces the production of sebum, inflammatory problems that generate sensations of itching and dull, weakened hair shafts. The ingredients that form this product provide synergic properties that are very beneficial for healthy hair:

  • Extract of Piper nigrum (black peppercorns): provides antiinflammatory and calming properties.
  • Extract of Inga alba bark (a tree that grows in French Guiana): provides moisturising properties and protects the functions of the cutaneous barrier.
  • Sodium Lauroyl Lactilate (derivative of botanical origin): provides properties of cleansing and purification.

With these three ingredients, Sanicapyl™ has a perceptible effect on the scalp, reflected as follows:

  • Reduced dandruff
  • Sebum regulation
  • Reduced sensation of discomfort (such as itching)
  • Moisturising
  • Calming and purifying action
  • Improved hair radiance and sensory properties (shine, softness, strength, etc.)


Panthenol is a chiral molecule derived from vitamin B5 which affords added benefits by improving the health of the scalp and potentially stimulating hair growth: it is a potent humectant that not only absorbs water on coming into direct contact with the latter, but also absorbs moisture from the air. It is precisely this moisture that protects our hair from dryness. In this regard, the absorption of moisture causes the hair stem to swell to accommodate the extra water; thin hair therefore acquires a thicker appearance as a result. In addition to improving the general appearance of the hair, the added moisture indirectly stimulates hair growth.

This extraordinary ingredient is not only a humectant but also a useful hydrating agent and emollient. It spreads uniformly over the hair surface, forming a fine layer on the cuticle. This film provides greater cohesion to light reflecting from the surface of the hair, manifesting as exceptional brightness, with a healthy appearance of the hair.

Panthenol is able to penetrate the cuticle and the hair shaft, contributing to retain moisture and afford volume. It also has properties that favour untangling of the hair: wet hair tangles easily, and in people with long hair this can be difficult to remedy without damaging the hair or causing hair loss. Panthenol penetrates the hair stem and covers it with a bright protective layer, thereby making it easier to smoothly comb wet hair and undo tangles without causing hair loss.

Another benefit of panthenol is that it helps protect the hair from damage due to hair driers, hair straighteners or simple combing. This vitamin B5 related compound restores hair elasticity, causing hair to flex naturally instead of breaking. Hair loss is reduced as a result, with fewer damaged or opened ends - thereby affording a more healthy appearance of the hair.

Panthenol is easily absorbed by the skin, and as a precursor of vitamin B5 directly influences the metabolic processes in the epidermal cells. It has been shown to offer many beneficial properties for the epithelium, including increased hydration and elasticity, with the stimulation of cell regeneration


Vitamin E

Vitamin E is essential for hair care, as it favours growth, improves its appearance, combats dryness, repairs damaged ends, among other benefits that lead to healthy hair.

Many vitamins play a significant role in maintaining healthy hair. Nevertheless, this vitamin stands out as it provides multiple benefits and properties that keep hair healthy and nourished. Some of the these benefits and properties that this vitamin provides are shown below:

  • It improves the blood flow to the scalp, which enables the follicles to absorb the nutrients properly, thus leading to healthy hair.
  • It helps prevent and halt hair loss thanks to the improved blood flow in the scalp.
  • It naturally combats dryness, leaving the hair soft and silky.
  • Due to its components of essential oils, it repairs dry and split ends, - avoiding breakage.
  • As it is a powerful anti-oxidant, , it has a protective effect, helping prevent damage caused by chemical agents, whether due to products or treatments, or external pollutants.

Vitamin E is an anti-oxidant, so it has multiple benefits such as protecting the tissues of the body from the damage caused by free radicals, in addition to repairing this damage in cells, organs, tissues, etc.


Hydrolysed rosemary

Rosemary is a shrub of Mediterranean origin with beautiful, aromatic flowers that usually are usually pale violet in colour. Its leaves, perennial and rich in the active substance, provide revitalising and antiseptic properties. For centuries, rosemary water or hydrolysed rosemary has been known for containing multiple vitamins with special properties for hair care, such as vitamin B6, vitamin B2, vitamin A, vitamin C, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, calcium and other antioxidants.

All of these substances mean hydrolysed rosemary provides marvellous properties for stimulating the roots of the hair, developing the hair follicle, preventing hair loss and favouring hair growth. By stimulating the blood circulation and its revitalising action, it increases the metabolism and makes the hair appear healthy, silky, strong and shiny. Similarly, it is also indicated to avoid the emergence of grey hair and reduce dandruff.

It is a fully natural ingredient that does not present side effects like most aggressive chemical treatments that are used to slow hair loss and represents 27% of the formula of HAIR REGENERATOR SERUM MAINTENANCE by REDENHAIR, so it has a very significant effect on the scalp.


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